There are lots of places that you can submit articles online. One place that you should really think about joining is squidoo. Squidoo is a social media site that allows you to create written works online.
Squidoo is not an article directory. Squidoo articles are called squidoo lenses. They are a collection of different squidoo modules. There are lots of different squidoo modules and they have a membership level that controls what you have access to.
Squidoo has a points system. The more points that you obtain, the higher your squidoo level. You get points for different actions that you take on the squidoo website. You can earn points for reading lenses, visiting the site, commenting on guestbooks and much more.
Squidoo modules get unlocked at certain levels. Several squidoo modules are common and readily available. You can use a text module to add your content. Create a good headline and fill your text module with high quality content that gets traffic. Think about doing some keyword research before deciding on creating a squidoo lens. When you pick a url for your lens, that is it for good.
Keep your lens updated with new content to keep it live on the squidoo site. This is something that is relatively new. In the past, you could publish a lens and it would be shown to the web community all the time. Now since the search engine updates, squidoo requires that you keep your lenses updated. If your lens rank falls, it won't get promoted. So you might end up having to promote it yourself off of the website. Driving traffic to your lens is still a good idea anyway.
Why do you want to use this site? First of all, it is free. It is not a classified site. Squidoo does have an online community and it is good to participate and view some of the other lensmakers content. Squidoo is affiliate friendly. You can earn some money with your content. Affiliate links are not frowned upon. Just don't go overboard with it. They might block your lens if you load them up with links.
Squidoo is one more place that you can create content online that doesn't have to cost you money.