Offline marketing might not be on your mind, but you might want to give it some thought. Simple marketing with a flyer might get the attention of your audience.
Create simple flyers in black and white. Come up with a clear message and call to action. You can test a lot of different marketing messages and see which ones get the most response.
Give your prospects different methods for contacting your business. Have a phone number. Create a quick response code. Have a website that they can visit.
Flyer marketing can be a low cost method for getting access to prospects. Create pullouts that can allow your flyers to do double duty. Place them in high traffic areas and see if you get some results.
Online marketing is cheap and easy to do, but sometimes we forget that there are lots of people offline ( walking around in the real world ) that might need your services.
Try multiple marketing options for business. The only way to find out what works is to keep trying new things and recording your results. Keep the winners and start dropping the losers.