Everybody knows about article marketing. The article directories are crowded and it is hard to cut through all of the competition. What about using video marketing for your home business? You might not feel ready for prime time, but you can make a video fast with the tools that are available.
Tired of writing long articles
Lower your frustration when it comes to long articles. They might take a while to write and they might not get a lot of traffic for your blog, but you might really have a goldmine when it comes to making videos.
You can use some of the written content and turn it into video content. You might really like writing content and there are lots of people that love to read. The surprising news is that there are lots of people that don't want to read all the time. A better way to get their attention might be through producing quick videos.
Quicker Way to Market
You can create videos quickly with a video camera. Start using your cheap hd video camera or even the video camera that is on your smartphone. There are lots of point and record video cameras that are easy to operate.
Recording the Screen
Make recordings of your computer screen. You don't have to appear on camera and you can stay focused on the task at hand. Create short tutorials that can help your audience. Find easy video recording software that can turn your presentations into videos that you can upload to the web.
Turning Pictures Into Videos
Take a bunch of pictures and start creating slideshows. There are software programs that can can add sound and turn your pictures into a video fast. Make sure to do some keyword research. Using the google free keyword tool can help you identify the highly searched terms related to your topic.