Market your services with your writing skills
Create simple blogs and use your writing skills to provide information that is relevant to your audience. You have to open your computer and start typing. It might have been a while since you created a document, but you have to start.
Start coming up with topics for your blog. Think about the different categories that you want to cover. You can even start coming up with headlines for your blog posts before you write them. Take a big topic and break it down into smaller sizes for simple blog posts.
What are some of the problems that your audience is experiencing?
Get into the shoes of your target audience. What are some of the problems that they are experiencing? Do you have information that can help them improve their current situation? Start diving into the problems.
Take a look at your own situation and try to remember some of the problems that you had to overcome? Do you remember some of the feelings that you had going through that rough patch?
How can you help them get over those problems?
What helped you get through it? What were the steps that you took to get rid of the problem? Did you find a software solution? Was it something that was really easy to implement? Did the problem require that you create your own solution?
It can really help to just write down the questions that come up. Brainstorm and write down all the words that come to mind when you are thinking about the topic. There might be some other issues that come up with problem that are related.
Become the solutions provider
Help bring your blog readers closer to the solution. Talk about the issues and keep posting new information on the subject. You have to decide how general or specific that you want to be with your blog posts.
Try to keep adding new content at a steady pace. You don't have to do blogging all alone. Bounce some ideas off of your friends. You might get a different view of the topic. People might not agree on what the best road to take regarding improving the situation.
Blogging is low cost
Blogging is not really free. You are going to be spending your time creating a site. There are no guarantees that people are going to show up and read your information. You just have to put it out there and see what happens. You have to remember that it is a numbers game. Provide the content and see what happens.
Use blogging as your lead generator
Design your blog with your results in mind. What do you want people to do when they come to your blog and read the articles? Are you trying to immediately sell services with your blog posts? Do you want to get them to sign up for your newsletter so they can stay informed? Do you want them to visit your main website? These are just a few of the questions that you have to ask yourself when you are getting started with your new blog.