One of the strategies for going after more internet traffic is to buy internet domain names. Domain names might have been used before and after a while, the original web address owner might have decided not to renew the domain.
Why would a website owner not renew a domain name? There are various reasons for choosing to let a domain name expire. Expired domains could be due to loss of interest in developing the site, the name might have lost its value or the cost of renewing the site didn't fall into the plans of the owner.
Backlinks are one potential reason for going after a domain. People buy sites and they want to promote the site online and offline. This means that there might be some locations online and offline that point to the web address.
There might be videos, articles, or audio podcasts that display the domain name. What you might want to do is check online for the web address.
Take a look around ezinearticles or other article directories and view articles, you might see links in the call to action area that point to domains that are no longer active. This might be a way to pick up a little extra traffic for a low cost. Those domains might be sitting in users bookmarks folder.
The domain name game is always changing. The costs of the addresses can change and the domain name extensions can change from time to also.
If you are into affiliate marketing, picking up these types of addresses might drive some traffic to your offers or your landing pages.