Start expanding your creativity with simple tools. There is a lot of content that can be picked up for a low price. Can you come up with lots of new niche blogs and websites? Can you launch new social media accounts?
Sit down at the table and start exploring new ideas. The software is there and the tools are there. You might just need to start experimenting with new ideas. Are you doing a lot of the same things that you were doing in the past? Did they work out? It might be time to go back to the drawing board and try something new.
Come up with the new goals and new challenges. The marketplace changes over time. Don't get caught doing stuff the old ways without exploring new options.
Just think about how technology is impacting business. The taxi drivers had a lock on picking up passengers in the past. A new business model popped up with uber where more people could pick up riders with ride sharing. Are you even considering the new options that are available with technology?
Start looking around at other industries outside of your current focus. Different companies do things differently. Think about the power of joint ventures. When you think about going to buy food, you might not have considered the gravity of being able to get gas too. The big box stores made a connection. What connections can you make in your business?
How can you come up with innovation in your business arena? There are mountains of content available on the web. What are you going to do to make your content connect with the audience that you are trying to attract?