Sit down at your computer and start writing more articles. Articles can have the staying power that you want for long term marketing. Long term marketing options occur when you place content online that are going to be needed in the future and not just today.
Some topics are going to be in need for a long time. These types of articles are called evergreen. Evergreen articles provide the information that a hungry audience will look for year in and year out. You probably are already aware of lots of content that is evergreen.
What are the evergreen topics related to your niche? Find them and start brainstorming ways that you can come up with more of this kind of content. The next step is deciding where and how to supply this content. Blogs are great for putting content online, but you don't have to stop there. What about creating your own ebooks with evergreen topics? What about making videos? There are lots of different ways that you can supply content.
Start using content to help drive traffic to your email list.. Directing your prospects to your list gives you a chance to interact and build a relationship. Just about any kind of business can benefit from using information marketing services. People are going to check the web for information about a subject. This is lead generation central.
Getting access to prospects during the information gathering phase can be really important. Your prospects might be typing in keywords at their favorite search engine like google. You want to have some of your content appear as close to the top of the search engine results page as possible. This can't happen if you don't have information products available. You might be able to get high search engine listings if you pay for traffic with a service like google adwords.
Free marketing options like writing articles and ebooks should be a part of your online marketing mix. Double down on your article writing skills by taking your newly created articles and change the format. Make audios and videos. Share information though social media for an even wider reach.