The decision to setup a site online was an easy one. The internet was just starting to take off and everybody wanted to get in on it. People were buying books on how to program websites. Learning html took a little bit of time but everybody was excited.
The websites were simple and they took a long time to load. There were so many free website programs that you could join online. Creating one web page at a time was really simple. It was mostly text based because the web was not that fast. Each image or picture would take a long time to download. You didn't want to hit the refresh button because you would have to wait even longer.
Sitting in front of the computer and typing text files that could be loaded on to a website was the name of the game. There was no search engine optimization. The only information that we used was html code. What was the name of one of those free websites were you could get started online fast? One was called tripod.
Another free web hosting company was geocities. It was real easy to create a html page and upload it. Web design was just getting started. This was before all the css and current design standards. The web was really about basic text.
Now websites can be created without having to do too much learning. A wordpress blog can be started in just a few minutes. You can download a wordpress theme and change a site in a few seconds. Now you can direct your web traffic at many different niche sites.
Create the content for niche sites or get it from article directories. Create videos and drive web traffic. All of these low cost options mean that you can get online and start marketing without spending a lot of money. Now you can come up with an idea and create a site fast.