Is article marketing working for you? Creating your own blog is just the tipping point. Writing articles for traffic is not going to stop. You just have to make the choice of whether to do it yourself or to outsource it.
Why choose article marketing in the first place? Articles don't have to cost you money and they have the potential for staying power. Your article could take off and get some traction. You could get your articles in front of the right audience and it could create new prospects.
Article marketing does not have to be really hard. You can create articles without much of a problem. Find the audience that you want. Start writing content that speaks to that audience. There are different kinds of content that you can create fast. All of your content does not have to be super high quality. You could create content posts that gets your prospects interested. List posts are one example of this. You can make large posts really fast with this technique.
List posts usually have a number in the title. So many different ways of doing something. You can create a list post fast and it can be valuable to your prospects.