Marketing with Ebooks

Posted by admin | 3:52 PM

Make free ebooks and give them away.  Marketing with free ebooks is a great idea.  There are lots of people looking for information and a free ebook can lower the barrier.  

Who will pass up on free information related to something that they are looking for?  Creating a free ebook is not difficult to do.  

Do you have lots of content related to the topic already?  Maybe you have been posting content on article directories.  Turn those articles that are not getting any traffic there into something more valuable.  

Ebooks don't have to be really long.  They just need to provide the information that is promised to the reader.  Ebooks can also be fun.  Do you have lots of basic tips related to your topic?  Turn those tips into a free ebook.  

The good thing about an ebook is that you can include clickable links.  You might give away ebooks and include a resources section at the end.  You might also want to include a link in the header or footer section that leads readers back to your blog.  One of the great things about an ebook is that is going to be there.  Have you noticed how some of the article directories are changing?  Now they sometimes archive your articles that don't get enough traffic.  With an ebook, your links are locked in stone.  As long as the ebook is available to the reader, your links will be there for them to click.

What are some other uses for your new free ebook?  You could use it to help build your email list.  Give it away in exchange for signing up and submitting an email address.  

Get started with using ebooks for your marketing services today.