Starting a business without a lot of money means that you are going to need to be creative.  How can you start a business online without money?  Setting up your own free blog could be the first step.  

Sign up at a free blog site like  Then you want to start joining affiliate marketing programs.  The internet is filled with them.  You don't need to spend any money to get into affiliate marketing networks. Just fill out the application and see if you can get approved.  Join google adsense too.  You want to have some long term online income and with google adsense you can just setup the code and forget it.

What is the difference between a blog at a free blogging system and one that you setup and host yourself?  You will have more control if you setup your own blog, but it would cost you money every month and that is not what this article is about.  A free blog still is on the web and if you are using blogger then you should not have to worry about keeping your site online. 

Sign up for social media applications like facebook, twitter and linkedin.  You could take your new blog and have it linked to your twitter account.  Now you can start to create blog posts.  Writing is still a skill that is in demand online.  You could sell your writing in a number of different ways using your blog.  Create ebooks using free word processing software.  Make sure to include links to your affiliate programs in a resources section at the end of the ebook.

Writing on your free blog will need to stay within the rules of the terms of service. If you violate the terms of service, they can shut your blog down.  Don't place too many ads on your blog. Blogging is not that difficult at all and you can do it.  Just sit down and come up with good headlines for articles.  You can take out a pen and paper pad.  Brainstorm all the topics that you want to cover.  Then start writing blog posts when you have the time.  This doesn't cost you money but it can take a lot of time to write articles.  
Use your social media account to occassionally promote affiliate products.  You have two options.  You could offer your affiliate links directly or you could provide a link back to your site where the affiliate link is located. Think about using a url shortening service to make your affiliate links look pretty.

Another way to use free services to make money includes using squidoo.  You can create squidoo lenses and use your affiliate links there.  The only issue with squidoo is that if your lenses are not getting any traffic, they will stop promoting them.  This means that you will need to keep updating your lenses and you have to keep sending traffic to keep them live.

Start getting creative and think of new ways that you can get your business off the ground.