Creating More Content

Posted by admin | 3:58 PM

The social media sites are where some people around the globe spend their time online.  The news and the fun is happening on the social media platforms.  It is where the information has a chance to go viral.

The directions of communications are not just one way anymore.  In the past, it might have been the big publishers with most of the control.  Now, anyone with an internet connection can get online and start sharing information and content.

Social media platforms have large numbers of users and who knows what content will catch on with the people in the various niches.  The information can spread and this is what gets the business owners juices flowing.  The idea of posting content and expanding the reach is a dream situation that they want to come true.

Posting information on social media is still going to be tough.  The same upside is available to the downside.  The barriers of entry on creating content are low and this means there is more content for the online social media audiences to wade through.  What is going to get through?  What is going to catch on?  Who knows? 

Brainstorming New Concepts

Posted by admin | 12:22 PM

The content is constantly coming off the conveyor belt.  There is always some new information and news.  This just means that content grows into more content. 

The online world is generating more data and it is not slowing down any time soon.  Each person will have their own take on the new info that is created.  Remember that the opinions and reviews are constantly flowing in.

What are the hot topics of today?  What is right on the brink of the future?  What happened in the past?  There are so many ways that you could be generating more content.  

Brainstorm some new content ideas.  Search online for the trending topics on social media.  What was popular last year?  What was popular this year?  What did you like or dislike?  There are plenty of directions to explore when it comes to content.

Making more content means having more chances to connect with audiences.  The information could be packaged and repackaged in different ways.  Just think about it like the different stores that you see when you are driving around.  Lots of companies are in the same business, but they might do business differently than their competition.  How can you do the same thing with content and marketing?

Brainstorm new ways to talk about the topics.  Learn the different seo keywords.  See what is related.  Start mixing and matching and combining.  What can be added or subtracted?  Start asking more questions.

The content is always flowing.  Go to amazon and see the topics that are selling.  What are the products that are selling?  What is related to those selling products or books?  Asking more questions could turn into more new ideas. 

Buy Domain Names - Pick up domain names and use them for branding.  Coming up with creative domain names and forwarding them to different locations is one idea.  Domain names can be a traffic option.  Expired domains or create domain name seo keyword combinations might be options for your internet marketing needs.

Setup Niche Blogs - Leverage the power of niches.  Building blogs with wordpress and other web development platforms to get into the sub categories is an option for the online marketing spaces.  General topics might be too broad.  Can you find sub niches and sub categories?  There are lots of ways to break things down.  Age, location, beliefs and more could be ways of going into new niches and categories.  Create content around specific points of view.  Just like the cable tv channels offer lots of variety, you might want to do the same with your online marketing efforts.

Build Newsletters - Getting traffic to come to your website can be a tough skill to develop.  Getting email subscribers opens up lots of doors after the fact.  People can forget your web domain name and not visit your site.  Getting email addresses and contact information allows the list owner to keep the conversation going.  Sending messages to the list is a way to stay connected with people interested in the topic.  The list is also a chance to drive traffic.  Sending traffic back to a main website or blog or sending the traffic to other offers is a real possible outcome for building and maintaining a list of email subscribers.  

Create Videos - Make content available in multiple formats.  How much written content do you already possess?  You might have lots of blog content that is not getting the attention.  Why let it just collect dust?  The information might need to be repackaged into another format to gain some exposure.  Your audience might not want to read long articles.  Make it easy for them to consume the information in other ways.  

Create Podcasts - Don't forget about the power of audio.  Consumers have lots of choices when it comes to how they are spending their time.  Think about all the people that are travelling or commuting.  They have to stay focused on getting to their destination, but it could also be an opportunity to connect with educational or entertaining information.  Podcasts are popular ways to consume information now.  Internet enabled devices and high speed internet access make it possible for consumers to download your content and listen on their own schedule.  Listening to audios while exercising or driving is a passive activity and a chance to connect with your information in a pleasant and passive way.

Explore Joint Ventures - What are the connections to your business?  Who are the people that you want to attract?  Are there other companies and businesses that are already in the right place?  Could there be a way to gain access to their customers?  Start looking at the potential of joint ventures.  What do you have to offer other businesses and companies?  What could bring about a win-win situation?

Leverage Social Media Platforms - Plenty of people from around the planet are using the social media platforms.  It only makes sense to add your content in the social media platforms.  Updating your social media pages with content that is relevant is the general idea.  How much content do you already possess?  Think about how to tailor your content for the different social media strong points.  The different social media apps can go hot and cold.  Pick the ones where you want to spend your focus.  Some social media applications might be more popular than others for your type of audiences.

Ebooks and Documents - Turn your content into ebooks or documents.  The blog posts may not be gaining the traffic, but think about changing the focus and purpose.  Can you come up with a new title for your niche ebooks?  The ebooks might be something to give away or something that has a price tag attached.  Think about creating new value from your blogging content and more.

Are You Wasting Too Much Time?

Posted by admin | 8:54 AM

Getting started with marketing is just getting started.  How long are you going to put marketing on the back burner?  You know that you need to put more of your time into marketing to build up your new client funnel.  The marketing cannot be ignored any longer.

The need to keep on coming up with more content and marketing messages is at hand.  There are so many choices when it comes to how people spend their time.  Where are your clients online?  Where are they offline?  What is your best type of client?

Starting to ask the questions and then beginning to build your marketing messages is something that has to be talked about.  Regular people are connected to the internet from around the globe.  Are you putting up information that is geared towards your audience?  Are you putting off marketing online?  The competition is not sitting back waiting.  They are going where the prospects are hanging out on the web.  They are trying to get in front of them quickly.

Don't waste any more time when it comes to marketing online.  It might be time to start testing new marketing and advertising methods.  Setting up websites alone might not be enough.  Anyone can build a website or a blog.  The barriers of entry to blogging and publishing means new people can jump on at any time. How are you going to make your content different?

What do you want to be the end result?  Coming up with your plans and taking action is just the beginning.  Are you going to stick to your plans?  Are you going to start using some of the newer methods for developing marketing messages and products?  Developing products and content in a different way might be topics to venture into with your time.  

Making a Goal

Posted by admin | 10:29 AM

Get started on your marketing goals.  What do you want to happen?  You want to get more leads into your business and you want to make more sales.

How are you going to get more leads?  The marketing plan might have zero items on it right now.  Coming up with a new marketing plan requires getting some commitment.

Marketing online and marketing offline are tracks that can be a part of the plan.  Simple marketing could begin with business cards and talking to people.  

Marketing online could mean creating lots of targeted content for your audience.  The internet content for your audiences could take a while to connect.  The content is constantly flowing online and getting the attention of your audience could be tough.

Marketing offline could mean getting in front of the desired audiences.  Focusing your efforts and attracting your audience could require gaining new training.


Don't Miss Referral Marketing

Posted by admin | 10:07 AM

Creating content for multiple platforms is essential these days.  Don't forget about social media networks.  The numbers of users are high and people love using social media pages.

Creating simple content for the channels is a chance to connect with a wider audience.  Don't let the time slip by.  Get on your social media marketing campaigns while others are not paying attention.  

Just reading through some of the information in old ebooks might spark some thinking.  It was an old ebook downloaded as a part of a large private label right package.  

The domain name that was listed on the book made me want to take the chance to click it to see more information.  The domain name was now expired.

It just goes to show that even old information might generate traffic in the future.  The expired domain names might be another way of gaining traffic to your business.  

Domain names are bought and purchased all the time and sometimes, they are left to expire.  Who knows how many people have those domains listed around the internet.  Picking up expired domains might be another way to go for some traffic.

Are you taking advantage of domain name registration?  What if you are able to strike gold with an expired domain name purchase? 

Brainstorm and Look At More Combinations

Posted by admin | 12:07 PM

Start expanding your creativity with simple tools.  There is a lot of content that can be picked up for a low price.  Can you come up with lots of new niche blogs and websites?  Can you launch new social media accounts?  

Sit down at the table and start exploring new ideas.  The software is there and the tools are there.  You might just need to start experimenting with new ideas.  Are you doing a lot of the same things that you were doing in the past?  Did they work out?  It might be time to go back to the drawing board and try something new.

Come up with the new goals and new challenges.  The marketplace changes over time.  Don't get caught doing stuff the old ways without exploring new options.

Just think about how technology is impacting business.  The taxi drivers had a lock on picking up passengers in the past.  A new business model popped up with uber where more people could pick up riders with ride sharing.  Are you even considering the new options that are available with technology?

Start looking around at other industries outside of your current focus.  Different companies do things differently.  Think about the power of joint ventures.  When you think about going to buy food, you might not have considered the gravity of being able to get gas too.  The big box stores made a connection.  What connections can you make in your business?

How can you come up with innovation in your business arena?  There are mountains of content available on the web.  What are you going to do to make your content connect with the audience that you are trying to attract?  

Don't Forget About Video Content

Posted by admin | 11:49 AM

Explore the power of video.  What about making a video channel?  Do you have lots of content ideas that you want to share?  The internet and video is a perfect combination.  Think about turning your written content into video content.

Create a youtube channel and think about the various options for a video channel.  You might do interviews.  You might do internet tutorials.  There are lots of different formats for video content.

Video marketing is a powerful concept.  Think evergreen with video content.  You can always look back into the past and forward into the future.  Making videos could mean getting in front of the camera, but it does not have to be.  There are lots of ways to make videos these days.  Some might just think about pressing the record button on their smartphones, but there are other options for video creation.

Screen capture recording software is an option for making videos without actually being in front of the camera.  Talking into the microphone and flipping through a presentation is something that more people might be comfortable with doing.

Outsource the video making.  What if you don't want to make the videos yourself?  You could turn to outsourcing for your videos.  Find video service providers that can take your visions and turn them into videos.

Video is a powerful format that cannot be ignored.  You might be standing on mountains of written content that could be unlocked in new ways with video.  Brainstorming new content formats could be in your future.

Imagine that you are dreaming up a new internet television network.  Start coming up with brand names for your new tv network lineup.  Think about branding lots of new channels and programs.  What are some new niches that you can see?  What new niches are you trying to build?  This is the power of the internet.  The video landscape is vast.  

Video is powerful online.  You are not just limited to making one youtube channel.  There are plenty of different sites where you could post your videos.  Don't forget about the spread of video to the social media platforms.  

Consuming videos is really simple to do.  Just think about all the regular people around the globe with their smart devices and a connection to the web.  Your video content could potentially reach them.  People are not just locked into watching video on their cable television service at home.  The smartphone devices with internet access means that video content is just a touch away.

Create another source of traffic coming to your content by adding in graphics to the mix.  You might have great content sitting on your blog, but where is the on ramp?  

The blog might be filled up with great article content, but you may be missing the chance to tap into more with graphics. 

Are you good with making graphics on your own?  You might not have been trained in how to use photoshop or other premium graphics programs.  This does not have to be a show stopper.

The great thing about the current time is the power of the software available.  You don't have to be a great designer to get quality graphics done in record time.

Just learn some of the simple online design tools like canva.  You can get a free account with canva and start creating images with ease.  

Adding text and graphics to your creations takes only a few minutes.  You can be on your way to making good looking images in just about no time flat.  

Everybody knows the power of the social media applications.  Creating powerful graphics that can be used on social media and linking back to your content is a powerful concept.