Social Media Short Viral Videos

Posted by admin | 2:18 PM

The hot social media apps change from time to time.  Now, people might be sharing links to Tiktok videos.  The short videos are the hot and trendy thing to do now.   You might have heard about tiktok in the news.  Are you going to learn how to make tiktok videos?

It might be hard to keep up with all the changes.  Just when you get up to speed with one social media network, new ones start to pick up new traction.  Now, people are talking about tiktok and it seems like one of the apps that starting to gain some momentum. 

The idea around using your creativity to make short videos is not very new.  Some people might remember the social media app called vine from the past.  Who knows why some apps just sort of lose their steam.  

The viral videos are going to keep coming.  The only thing that might change is where they are hosted.  Viral videos on youtube, facebook and twitter are not the only game in town now.

learn more about tiktok


Posting your content on social media networks is an option for trying to find your audiences.  There are lots of users on social media and you can zero in on the types of people that want to attract.  The social media accounts could be your low cost option for promotions.  The cost of putting your content on social media might be the right price for some of the up and coming businesses.

Everybody knows about the social media accounts now.  Trying to make a pathway to the audiences might be a little bit harder.  Some might turn to spending the money to advertise on social media these days.  There could be many that still choose to take the road of consistently publishing new information with the hopes that the content grabs the attention.  The flood of content online is constantly streaming.  You can see it for yourself on your own social media pages.  Continuing to keep posting and providing value for your type of audience could be the main focus.

Get more ideas for content by viewing youtube channels.  Look at the youtube video thumbnails and the youtube video headlines.  Do you have information related to the main topics in the youtube videos?  Can you come up with more content that is based in the main category?

Your content might not be directly related to the subjects of the videos, but there could be some slightly related content.  Imagine looking at youtube videos and coming up with lots of new niche content ideas.  Build up brainstorming sessions to look at the main concepts, but from a different angle.

How far away are the concepts from the youtube video from your own information?  What could be the connector content that bridges the gap?  Looking at youtube videos could be something that provides new insight into what people are thinking about.

Don't stop after watching the youtube videos.  Make your way below the video to read the youtube video descriptions and check the number of comments.  Are the videos getting reactions from people in the comments section?  Does the video have any comments at all?  If the video does not have any comments, are you going to be the first one to put a comment below the video?  

Discover new concepts and ideas on youtube and brainstorm new options for your own content needs.  New videos are getting uploaded to youtube all the time.  

Think About The Evergreen Niches

Posted by admin | 10:23 AM


Does your information have anything to do with evergreen ideas and topics?  Can you start coming up with links back to those powerful information ideas?  When it comes to evergreen categories, you are dealing with something that is always going to be hot.  

Are people going to want to learn more information about money?  Just go on amazon and look at the number of money related books and ebooks.  People are going to be interested in this topic moving forward.  Are your products and services tied in any way to the main evergreen ideas?  It could be worth it to see the connections.

Consider the different evergreen niches and how you can  make the connections.  Create a map to your products. What is connected to your main idea?  What is the complete opposite of your main ideas?  Just start brainstorming new options and see how you can get to the results that you are looking for.

Start Pinning On Pinterest For Traffic

Posted by admin | 10:18 AM


Can you come up with good looking graphics as the lead in for your main content?  You might want to start developing graphics and using the power of the pinterest platform for more traffic options.

Think about all the content that you already have in your portfolio.  You might be able to bring fresh views to your content by adding new graphics that can gain attention on pinterest.

Learning how to make pins and use pinterest is very simple.  Some of the other social media platforms might be harder to use, but pinterest is really straight forward.  It only takes a small amount of time to learn how to use the system.

Setting up your pinterest account and starting to follow other pinterest users and interests could open the door for new traffic and lead generation.  When it comes to making graphics, there are countless options when it comes to designs.  There are lots of graphics tools available for the right price.  Outsourcing your pinterest images and graphics could also be an option.  

Jay Abraham Marketing

Posted by admin | 9:00 AM

 Jay Abraham videos can expand your thinking when it comes to business and marketing.  Are you just thinking linearly?  You might want to watch the Jay Abraham video to start taking a different point of view when it comes to business options and strategies.

Social Media Training

Posted by admin | 8:57 AM

 Leveraging social media for traffic is an idea that has been around for a long time now.  Are you using social media for your traffic needs?  There are lots of different sites and you might want to learn about different strategies when it comes to each platform.

Some social media networks are built around graphics and images.  One of the popular social media sites is pinterest.  Learning how to make good looking graphics for pinterest and coming up with a plan for turning your graphics into traffic could require time and training.

Boosting your efforts to find traffic on social media outlets could require some skills that you don't currently have in house.  You might start looking around for options to sure up your social media marketing areas.  There could be solutions that could help plug the holes of your overall social media marketing plans.

Directing The Attention

Posted by admin | 11:02 AM |

Plenty of people are interested in learning how to get their youtube channel monetized.  They might be typing in the search seo keyword around how to get 4000 hours watch time.  

Coming up with content that is related to the main idea is a good point for your brainstorming.  How can you get in line with this thread of thinking and come up with value for the audience.  The audience thinking about how to get 4000 watch time hours is thinking about making money using youtube.  It could be smart to take a step back and look at the category from a higher view.  They want to make money and getting the google adsense monetization for the channel is not the only option.

Using Social Media For More Traffic Options

Posted by admin | 10:18 AM


Add social media as another option for traffic generation.  Creating social media accounts and keeping them loaded with quality information for the audience can take up time from your schedule.  Figure out how you are going to use social media and how you are going to drive traffic to the locations that make the most sense.

Social media video sites like youtube contain lots of tutorials for the different platforms and you might be able to grab some important ideas that you can use in your business.  

One of the ideas could be to repurpose content for the social media platforms.  How could you use the content that is already available in a social media format.  Videos and graphics are just a couple of the formats that might play well on social media sites.

Get content and come up with your own ideas on how to position it.  Don't say to yourself that you don't have any content to work with.  There are plenty of content sources that are available.  Shift your thinking into the creative side to come up with new ways to present the information that you can acquire.

The information is in abundance.  You can put your hands on content quickly.  You have to think about the content that you get like they are raw materials.  What is going to be the new combination that you bring up?  

Splicing and dicing up the information or combining and mixing up the information is the whole idea.  The information is constantly getting generated.  The opinions and reviews are always being updated.  Looking back at the past and looking ahead to the future means that you have plenty of new roads for exploration.

How many different ways can you say the same thing?  It might come down to generating new labels.  It could be a shift in format.  Information is information, but how the info gets presented might make a difference.  Would you rather read a book or listen to an audiobook?  Would you rather watch a movie or go to a live seminar?  The information could all be the same, but just presented in a different format.

Take A Higher View

Posted by admin | 10:44 AM

Are you going to put in the time to create youtube channels?  Video marketing is a powerful source for generating traffic.  Are you on the creative side?  You might have the answer that unlocks the key to generating traffic using videos.

Come up with your game plan for getting the viewers to watch your online videos.  When you step back and take a wider view, it only makes sense.  Have you been watching the news lately?  You might have heard some of the stories about some of the major newspapers having financial troubles.  Bankruptcies and the old school publishing business world is not as shocking.  When you think about how digital has changed marketing, you have to come to the conclusion that things have shifted.

Even when you think about cable tv, you have to think about all the people that are not buying cable tv premium packages or cable basic packages.  They might not have the money to spend on a big monthly cable bill.  But, lots of people around the globe are going to get a smartphone.  The number is huge.  You know what they are going to get access to using the internet, YOUTUBE!  

YOUTUBE is right there on their smartphones and tablets.  They can click the youtube icon and instantly get access to all types of information.  Some people were smart enough to start a youtube channel and create content.  Others are just started to get around to it now.  It is not too late.  There is a lot of competition, but you might have the secret sauce that your audience is looking for.  

Don't you want to learn more about how you can leverage the power of video marketing?